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10 Sources Of Great Blog Content

Writing blog after blog can be really challenging. Sometimes that challenge is fun and sometimes it can be just frustrating. We suggest 10 ways in which to keep blogging sources interesting and reliable.

  1. Have a centralized ideas resource. Keep a document where you can put your ideas for blogs as they come to you. Whether you prefer carrying around a pad of paper or maintaining access to a document in the cloud, just make sure that you have access anytime and anywhere to add ideas. This will be a great resource to refer to whenever you are struggling.
  2. Start with something, anything. Getting the first words of a sentence onto paper can be the hardest step in the writing process. If you are struggling with what to say, say anything. Just brainstorming for a little while about any thoughts that pop into your head can be enough to get you going. 
  3. Read all the time. The best way to have more to talk about in your blog is to see more in the world around you. Whether you prefer other blogs, books, magazines, websites, or something else, just make sure that you are constantly reading. A great advantage can be gained when you take the time to read pieces you might not agree with or works that are atypical for your normal reading habits. The more you see and hear in your world, the more you will have to express on your blog. 
  4. Use the experiences of others. Do not remain trapped in the bubble of your own blog. Browse the content on all the available websites out there with daily contributions. This will help you get a sense of what people are talking about and what might be a relevant focus for you to try to write about. Even pay attention to the various styles and formats used by others to see how you might change up your own blog.  
  5. Follow the trends. Analyze the available website traffic data out there and see exactly what styles or topics are trending. Look through popular memes and high-traffic topics using the data tools provided by Google. This will help you stay on track with what you write about, allowing you to remain relevant and even ahead of the curve. 
  6. Seek out the average person. A great source of blog content can be question and answer forums online. The average person knows how to interface with these sites and will often turn to them when they have an issue. By scanning message boards on a range of topics, you will find just what it is that people need help with and be able to offer them that help in your blog.
  7. Start with the basics. Remember what it was like before you had a blog and had questions you wanted answered? Something drove you to start writing and to contribute to the infinite material on the Internet. By trying to remember what it was like when you first started blogging in an attempt to spread information, you might stumble upon content that you forgot to think about.  
  8. Pay attention to your readers. Looking at the data from your own website and going through all the comments made by contributors puts you directly in touch with those you are writing to. See what it is they want to read about and what they might not have understood. This will personalize the whole blog writing process and guarantee readers. 
  9. Reflect on the world you live in. When you have nothing in particular to blog about, blog about nothing in particular. There are always world events happening all around us that people all over want to talk about. You can always blog about current events and issues, opening up the discussion to a variety of readers.  
  10. Structure your blogs into themes. Not only do themes pick up and go at lightning speed on the Internet, but readers love organization and patterned information. By grouping your blogs into themes that might run a short period of time or come up on a regular basis, you are offering your readership something to look forward to and stay tuned in for.

Blogging can be a challenge. Follow these guidelines and you will have an easier time generating new ideas on a regular basis.

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