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5 Ways To Collect Emails On Your Blog

Every successful blog has a list of email contacts. These are the people who make your business or blog possible by staying in contact and up-to-date on what you are posting. Building a good email list for any website or blog can be a challenge. Sure, you might have friends and family involved, but how do you get new followers? How can you loop in people you haven’t met yet? We offer up five ways to collect emails for your blog

  1. For businesses that have a physical location, you can collect emails right there in person. You might set up a sign-up sheet for people to write down their names or offer a business card collection as a raffle. 
  2. Add a simple email sign-up sheet to your website or blog. This will inspire visitors to sign up in order to learn more about your product in the future. Be sure to list out just what they will receive when they sign up (newsletters, coupons, prizes). 
  3. Ask customers after they have made a purchase if they would like to be on your email list. At the end of a good consumer experience, they might be more likely to join your list in order to make other purchases in the future. You might even offer a discount for those who sign up. 
  4. Use your advertisements as calls-to-action for joining the email list. Use a compelling offer or picture to inspire viewers to click. Even advertise on mediums like Facebook with discount incentives right there on the ad. 
  5. Use your employees as resources for increasing the names on your email list. Offer prizes or benefits to employees who can get people they know to sign up. Collecting as many emails as possible will ensure that people know about your blog or business. By increasing the number of people you regularly update with this information, you will inevitably boost your online audience.

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