As it turns out, our original title turned out to be important. We are web designers after all, and even with all of the important skills and SEO techniques we have been fine tuning over the years (and do not get us wrong, those are still very important), what also matters a great deal is the design of a website.
Google is simply unable to rely purely on keyword usage or content to determine whether a site deserves a higher or lower ranking. What they are looking
for now are bounce rate and time spent on a website. Bounce rate refers to whether or not a user clicks into your website and then returns to the search
What bounce rate symbolizes is when a low quality site puts off a user right away. Time on site refers to how long a user remains on your website. What
time on site symbolizes is the usefulness of your site and how long a user decided to remain on it. Logically, both of these features can be bettered
by having better user experience through better design.
Some important ways to successfully do this is to encourage visitors to take the first step further into your site, avoid having too much information in
any one place, guide your potential customers through your site, and collect data on what your visitors are doing. If designed well, a website will
catch the attention of users and smoothly carry them through each page and onto another. Think about what users are looking for and provide them excellent
content in an appealing design, and you will get far.
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