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Content Marketing: Spotlight on Video

In today’s digital realm, the vast majority of smartphone users are harnessing the power of video to share information, relay messages, inspire calls to action, and convey emotion. According to Invodo Reports, more than 90 percent of mobile video viewers regularly share video content with their ever-growing networks, too.
Particularly effective on product pages, videos enable entrepreneurs to convey multiple product attributes in a succinct, effective display. In our harried world, it’s not surprising that the majority of modern consumers would prefer viewing a video to reading written content. Below, we outline five ways to get video marketing working harder for your brand today.

Embrace the Live Video

According to recent stats, Facebook users are three times more likely to watch live videos than standard ones – and Facebook Live offers a user-friendly platform for creating simple, appealing live videos. To cultivate an intimate connection with your precise audience, try Live Video, which could earn you some valuable attention without breaking the bank.

Don’t Forget to Animate

Lots of content experts advise hiring an animator to create compelling content, but this type of investment could set you back thousands. If a dedicated animator isn’t in your price range, try your hand at animation yourself – or harness the creative capacities of a team member. For Do-It-Yourself animation software, check out Animaker, GoAnimate, Animasher, Voki, or Xtranomal – all sites offering free or low-cost animation opportunities for novices and experts alike. 

Don’t Skimp on Testimonials

Today’s entrepreneurs understand the power of the testimonial, and it’s easy to see why – consumers are more likely to make a purchase if peers have vetted the service or product. Video testimonials offer a powerful way to convey brand confidence, embed trust, and sustain credibility. Solicit volunteers, then create short, intimate videos you can share with your broader clientele – and prospective clients, too. Remember: Well-rehearsed videos can appear stagey, even unconvincing, but a candid “real-life” video – even if it’s a bit shaky – will convince audiences for months to come. 

Utilize Slideshows to Produce a Screencast

If this is your first time aboard the video-marketing train, consider starting with a screencast, which simply repurposes your existing slideshows to a viewer-friendly format. Start by investing in easy-to-use screencast software, like Screenflow, as well as a decent podcasting microphone. From there, you’ll create a script to go alongside your PowerPoint. Software like Screenflow makes it easy to sync a Powerpoint to your narration, making this a terrific video marketing avenue for the screen-shy. 

Turn to a Freelancer

High-quality content will service a business for the short- and long-term—and marketers who know this often invest in freelance talent to ensure their content hits the target. It’s worth considering a freelancer for video content, too, but your decision needn’t break the bank. Today, sites like Upwork and Fiverr offer opportunities to harness the international labor market, contacting skilled freelancers who offer lower pricing than their North American counterparts. 

As you embark upon the path of video marketing, remember that most audiences prefer the genuine to the contrived, the playful to the stoic. Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself – and recognize that when you’re having fun on video, your target audience will be smiling with you, too.