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Design: The Need for Speed

Here are five focus points for your website’s success in a world full of high-speed technology and the high-speed communication that goes along with it: 

  1. Five seconds or bust – As a website designer, you have about five seconds for your design to catch the eye of the user and get them to stay. Most websites today are found through searches and come with many other options trailing behind. When a user clicks on your site, they need to see something intriguing enough to stay, and they need to see it fast. 
  2.  Don’t muddle things up – A user is going to keep using a site he or she likes using. Making your site fluid between links and simple to get around will encourage viewers to stay and look around more. If links lead to dead ends, or pages are unclearly connected, a user will get frustrated and try one of your competitors. 
  3. Motion is better – With the incredible speed of today’s internet, videos are almost unavoidable on all types of sites. Videos successfully transmit information about a product more quickly and more clearly. Users don’t want to have to read description after description. It is much more appealing to have a product in action or to convey information about a cause through entertainment other than text. 
  4. Stay clear of never-ending pages – When you are moments away from reeling in another customer or subscriber, you do not want the very tool completing the transaction to be far away. If additional information goes on and on, forcing a person to scroll way down to the bottom of the page to hit the final button, you will lose them. Keep it neat and keep it short. 
  5. On-the-go websites – It is not only enough these days to have a quickly appealing, simply organized, video full, short and sweet website. Now, it has to be adaptable to wearable technology gadgets. People want their information constantly and easily. Making your website compatible with smart phones, smart watches, and other devices is crucial to success. Customers want what they want, when they want it.
Click to learn more about: Website Design & Development