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Face-to-Face Networking Can Support Your Digital Efforts

Here at Champ we are a digital marketing company, but we are also people people. We’ve found that attending traditional face-to-face networking opportunities serves as an excellent way to leverage our other promotional efforts. When you are passionate about your business, the best way for that to come across is in conversation with people. Sales opportunities abound whenever you are with a group of professionals. 

Here are some of our favorite ways to get in front of potential prospects and partners:

  1. Local chambers of commerce. Despite the fact that we are a nationwide business with customers across the country, we love getting to know our local business community. Participating in your local chambers of commerce or other business associations is an excellent way to stay tied into the fabric of your businesses community and will often introduce you to potential clients as well as potential services that your business might need. 
  2. Business networking events. Often local businesses will host their own networking events in order to get involved with their communities. This can have many of the same benefits for your business as chamber events. 
  3. Educational seminars and conferences. Encouraging your employees to attend continuing education can benefit your company in a host of ways. Not only will they bring back new knowledge that can serve your business, they will likely meet lots of people at the conference that you can add to your network. 
  4. Tradeshows. Perhaps you have a product to sell that is perfect for a tradeshow booth, perhaps you offer a service that could help the members of a specific industry. Either way, attending tradeshows is an excellent way to get your name out there and meet people. Make sure that you bring appropriate marketing materials with you. Having cohesively branded material is essential for this type of event. Tradeshows represent an excellent way to reach a specific targeted industry or parallel.

Want to set up a time to meet face-to-face with Champ? Get in touch now.