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Harness Psychology for Better Content Marketing

If you’re a marketer or online entrepreneur, it probably comes as no surprise that the principles of advertising are deeply rooted in psychology. Addressing and analyzing target audiences, fleshing out topics, and delivering compelling messaging is all about understanding what makes people tick. Effective calls to action, persuasive social media posts, and relevant reviews all rely on the psychological element of content marketing. Read on for easy ways to incorporate psychological theories into your marketing strategies.

    Offer Choices – But Not Too Many
    In the modern world, we’re overwhelmed by choices from the moment we wake up: Which websites to visit, which breakfast to order, and which outfit to wear. The choices are only amplified when we leave the house, and we often spend our days overwhelmed by hundreds of possibilities, from meals and transportation options to clothing and even career choices.

    Marketers would do well to take this modern barrage of choices into account. Delivering effective content isn’t always about overwhelming the viewer—instead, consider how a few well-tailored content pieces might serve your organization better than a barrage of weak articles. Clear, minimalist approaches to content will assure your viewer that you’re intent on publishing the best. After all, the old adage remains true – It’s about quality, not quantity.

    Make it Worth It.
    You’re building strong content to attract a dedicated audience, effectively advertise a product or service, and establish clear brand recognition and credibility. As a content marketer, your goal should be to deliver top-notch content to your viewership – for free. Offering quality information at no cost to your viewers sends the clear signal that you value their participation, attention, and education. Plus, you’re more likely to turn visits into conversions when your viewers feel informed, valued, and looked after. �۬

    Unleash the Herd Mentality.
    A popular psychological concept states that we’ll mimic the behavior of the group, especially if that behavior appears to ensure success. When it comes to content marketing, the same principle applies! High-quality posts, discussions, and images will improve the value of your brand—instantly. Testimonials, reviews, and comments all foster engagement and facilitate “social proof”—evidence your information is valuable, relevant, and current.

    Mind the Gap!
    Humans are an innately curious species, and when that curiosity is unleashed, we’ll often go to great lengths to learn more. Psychologists call it the “information gap theory” – the idea that there’s a gap between what we know and what we want to know. When a piece of content sparks a viewer’s curiosity, it’s creating a mental itch that viewer just has to scratch.

    So how does this look when it comes to digital marketing? First, consider how you might facilitate a desire by withholding key information. For example, if you’ve got a white paper on the topic of social engagement, it’s worth creating a quick, effective “teaser” to plant that spark of curiosity. Grab your viewer’s attention by hinting at what’s to come – but make them want it, too, and you’re bound to see an instant rise in traffic.

    Questions work well as effective teasers, since they’re designed to speak directly to the viewer’s curiosity. An effective social engagement tagline, then, might look like this: “Want to know how to create better content?” Far less interesting is a basic header, like “Creating Better Content.” With a question, your viewer is more likely to take the bait.