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How to Determine the Right Keywords

by Seth Worby

In Google, the top three search engine results account for approximately 60% of all search engine clicks. Having an effective keyphrase strategy is an essential part of working towards being part of these top three search engine results and driving more qualified traffic to your website.

The first step to finding the right keywords is brainstorming. Before you do any research, you should brainstorm a list of keywords that pertain to your company’s product or service. When brainstorming keywords, keep in mind that every Internet user does not search in the same fashion. Think of short phrases that best describe what you do or offer.

A resource such as the Google Keyword Planner found within Google AdWords will provide extra help with narrowing down which keywords you should target. Knowing which keywords are searched the most in your target market is not enough information to lead a keyphrase strategy campaign. This is why the data Google AdWords produces is essential to figuring out which keywords are strong contenders to focus on. When keywords are entered into Google AdWords Keyword Planner, the program will show the number of local and global searches done by Internet users. Recently, Google has required that users register for a Google AdWords account, this is free and will allow full access to the planning tools.

To have a successful keyphrase strategy, you must target keywords within reach. Examine the data provided by Google AdWords and find the keywords that contain a high search volume, but a low page count. In SEO, we call these keyphrases non-competitive keyphrases. Non-competitive keyphrases are generally not too broad, but are not overly specific either.

After a list of relevant, non-competitive keyphrases has been gathered, begin selecting the best keyphrases to target. The easiest way to sort all of your keyphrases is to organize them into different groups or themes.

Remember, it is crucial to stick with keyphrases that are relevant and within your reach of ranking for. If the wrong keyphrases are chosen, it can lead to little or even the wrong traffic being sent to the website. Quality keywords and keyphrases bring quality visitors to your website.