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Increase Engagement with Interactive CTA’s

You can increase engagement with social CTAs by following these simple seven guidelines. 

The most important theme is to incorporate CTAs into all of your social content, leading to increased opportunity for engagement and interaction. We will
walk you through how to create CTAs and how to use them socially for this very purpose.

  1. Plan the steps you would like your audience to take. The overarching aim of your CTA is to keep users engaged. The way in which this
    is accomplished best is when steps are broken down into smaller actions that clearly guide the engagement where you want it to go. For instance,
    you could use ebooks or coupons.
  2. Use a hook that works. Every user who is navigating your site will be wondering (consciously or subconsciously) what they are gaining
    from the experience. You do not always want to jump to pushing a purchase, but might instead want to use CTAs built into information, such as style
    guides or recipes (depending on your business).
  3. Give users the motivation they need. Making your CTAs layered with urgency, by using one-time offers and such, creates immediacy for
    action that most users will not refuse. Compete with the distracted attention span of consumers today by urging action.
  4. Format your CTA with the same care as the rest of your website. Some important details to keep in mind are: context relevance, visual
    attractiveness, a qualified offer, limited options, CTAs across a site (yet don’t make users scroll down to find them), and opportunities to share
    on other social mediums.
  5. Maintain consistency in how you present information throughout the CTA. Once users click-through to the next step, it is important
    that they know they are still on the right path and not being lead astray. Consistent language and imaging will help support this path.
  6. Test your CTA thoroughly. The main aspects to test include: the text on buttons, colors of text and buttons, pictures, size, and location
    on page. If you decide to alter any particular aspect, only change one detail before retesting so that you can be sure you are noting the effects
    of your adjustment.
  7. Track the outcomes of your CTAs. The specifics to pay attention to are: impressions, click-throughs, click-through rate, completions,
    and completion rates. By tracking these results over time, you will be able to make educated changes and advancements in the future. By implementing
    social CTAs, you will boost user engagement on your website. Follow these simple rules as you create and use a CTA plan and watch as your social
    content increases consumer engagement.
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