Any brand must maintain consistency in order to be quickly found and recognized as well as to ensure trust. For example, there
are many kinds of laundry detergent, but chances are, you probably have a favorite. You can probably find that favorite brand at nearly every grocery
store. You can find it within seconds of entering the cleaning aisle. Imagine if it looked really different at every store and was difficult to locate.
It might quickly lose its status as your favorite, after all, there are plenty of other acceptable brands that are easy to identify.
Keeping this in mind, you will want to select channels of advertisement that are in line with what you are advertising and who you are advertising to. You wouldn’t want to promote women’s foundation in a men’s fitness magazine. Be selective and smart in choosing where you advertise and how you create your brand messaging. Importantly, make sure to have a consistent look. Your logo might be altered in minimal ways depending on where it appears (black and white versus colored, for example), but you always want your brand to be recognizable. Along with that, be discerning in how you chose colors, fonts, and content format. Verify that your overall image is consistent and portrayed the way in which you want.
Furthermore, make the content you create clear and adaptable to a range of media and interfaces. It is very likely that your logo and brand will branch out into print, online, and device compatible formats. Marketing your name in a clear, dependable, compelling, and integrated way will maximize how your audience sees your brand.
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