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Is Guest Blogging Old News?

Guest blogging remains a useful technique in the world of SEO strategy.

Guest blogging is any piece of content on a website that is contributed by a guest or visitor, rather than the owner or writer of the site. For the sake
of content creation and Google’s spiders, there is no difference between regular content and guest blogging—in other words, it is just more content.
What you should avoid is low quality content on a guest blog. Sites all over the Internet rely regularly on the contributions of users. Not all of
this is useful, and therefore not all of this is picked up on by Google. 

However, with the right unique information, anchor text, and useful internal and external linking to related information, a guest blog can prove itself
incredibly helpful to user searches. When the context makes sense and the information is densely useful, Google will use the content. 

Do not worry, guest blogging is not dead. What is important to remember about guest blogging is to keep some key goals and features in mind. Do not write
spam. If what you are writing is completely useless, there is no need for it. Treat these blogs like they are genuine contributions. Calling out a
guest post as a guest post will not alter the reading by Google’s algorithms. Brand yourself throughout the blog posts. This will boost the popularity
of your brand name and increase its usage. Do not be shy to use links. Links are the very basis of Internet connection, and keeping them in the forefront
of your website will be important. 

Finally, and overall, do not be careless with any guest blogs you post. Challenge your readers with high-level, useful content that sparks their interest
and keeps them coming back for more.

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