My Favorite Summer Recipes

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Looking for a Few New Summer Recipes?

When it comes to choosing recipes, the first item I look at is the prep and cooking time. As my family can attest, I am a slow poke in the kitchen and even with taking my time I’ve been known to completely forget to add ingredients. Throw in two kids under the age of five and you’re lucky if the potato salad has potatoes in it. I have a couple of family friendly summer recipes I always enjoy making, typically remember all the ingredients, and they travel well for parties – a triple win!

Grilled Corn, Avocado and Tomato Salad with Honey Lime Dressing

Who doesn’t love corn on the grill? Throw in an avocado, tomatoes and toss with a simple dressing and it’s ready in minutes.

Click here for the recipe details.

Wheels Up Pasta Salad

This is definitely a hit with the kids, mostly because of the wagon wheel pasta, but it also includes chopped apples and raisins. We omit the pecans (because of a picky eater), but it still has a nice crunch with the apples.

Click here for the recipe details.

Creamy Dijon-Dill Potato Salad

When potato salad is a standard at every BBQ, it’s good to have a tasty homemade version to bring along. This is fan favorite for adults and kids alike.

Click here for the recipe details.