In today’s world, everything is about getting information faster. Whether it is by buying a new gadget or upgrading their internet speed, consumers want
access to information to be as seamless (and quick) as possible. The same concept applies to your website; faster is better. While optimizing for page
load times may not necessarily improve your Google PageRank significantly, it will ultimately provide a better experience for a customer; no one enjoys
waiting for a webpage to load. Here are a few common mistakes to avoid:
- Re-sizing Images in your website’s HTML editor: Re-sizing imagines in your website’s HTML editor will only affect the parts of the image that are visible. In effect, all that you are doing is “hiding” part of the image, instead of actually re-sizing it.
- Using Text Graphics: Though text graphics may make your website look more “sexy”, they are often wasted opportunities at speed optimization.
It may be tempting to add fancier graphics, but it is usually unnecessary when looking at the big picture.
- Plugins – Less is Better: Plugins can add features that are essential to SEO. Most of the time however, businesses tend to add non-essential
features to their website. Remember that more functionality means high waiting times for visitors. Be sure to separate essential from unessential