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Pinterest for business?

You may be wondering what good Pinterest is to your business. In addition to its fun qualities, it can generate large followings for a business and at the same time allows you to market a large variety of content.  Some examples of potential use are setting up boards for your employees to put up photos of their work, and the different styles of work they do depending on your business.  Along with this, you can set up boards for your loyal customers, allowing them to share some of the great work you have done for them.  Pinterest is not as labor-intensive when using it to market as Facebook and Twitter can be.  The images you upload have a much longer shelf-life for people to view them than a tweet you post that gets buried in moments.  So rather than constantly putting new statuses up, at your leisure you can spend limited time posting quality photos of your business.  Another great use for Pinterest can be to host contests.  “Pin it to win” contests have been used by many brands and all the customers have to do is pin their own images to your board!  Running contests like this create great marketing for your business as well as engagement from your customers.  And they help your content build itself!