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Refresh Your SEO

Just like refreshing your wardrobe, refreshing your SEO is essential to staying current in today’s internet market. Styles and types of clothing are constantly coming and going; your SEO should follow similar principles.

So what should prompt an SEO refresh? The most obvious is a large-scale change in your business.  This can include anything from a change
or addition in services to a new logo or branding campaign. Be sure to update your SEO to reflect these changes in your business. Likewise, a shift
in your target audience necessitates a change in your SEO tactics.  Consumers have various search habits and methods when seeking
a product or service online and it is important to take that into account when updating your SEO strategy.  Equally as important
as your business and target demographics are the updates to Google’s search engine algorithm.  Google updates its algorithm frequently, and these
updates change the way Google ranks your website on searches. It is essential to change your SEO strategy depending on what adjustments are made to
the algorithms.

How you go about making these changes is completely up to you. These can vary from changing your website’s architecture, language and tone, content, length,
internal links, and even metadata.  In the end, the most important aspects of an SEO refresh are that the updates are relevant to
your business, your target audience, and Google’s search algorithm.

Click to learn more about: Search Engine Optimization