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Search engine optimization (SEO) is known as an “organic” method of impacting the visibility of a website within the results of a search engine.

SEO looks to the methodology behind search engines, how people search for things, and what sites people use most often to search. Specific tools of SEO
include, but are not limited to, specific coding techniques that increase keyword relevance and work to best leverage search engine’s indexing strategies,
editing the content of a site to be most relevant to particular searches, and increasing the links that the website has connected to it.

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a more “non-organic” way to have a website higher up in the results of a search engine. 

SEM involves paid inclusion, where the owners of a site will pay the search engine company to be included in the results at a certain point. These listings
are separate from those which appear organically. It’s important to note that the cost of this advertising varies and you have to pay more the more
competitive your target keyphrases are and the higher you wish to rank. Thus, with highly competitive keyphrase targets, advertising can be quite costly. 

Ideally, everyone would start with SEO as a means to increase rankings. There are companies you can hire to assist you in SEO, but even with that potential
cost, it will generally have a better return on investment than SEM. Once serious effort has been put into SEO, and perhaps no significant progress
remains to be made, engaging in SEM can follow. SEM would then ensure that your site appears sooner or more obviously within the search engine. By
using these methods in a complimentary fashion, a website owner is doing the most he or she can do to promote website visibility in the search engines.