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Short & Sweet Guide For Handling Content Curation

Curated content can come from almost anywhere. What matters most is how you are presenting what you are presenting.
Ensure that you are not just repeating what has already been said by focusing on the incorporation of your own opinions and style. Make the content you are curating more interesting than it was the first time through images or other mediums. Work through the below sources and tips to optimize any content curation you are embarking on.

  1. Research. Find a relevant topic in your field and summarize the research available on a specific aspect of it. In this way, you can become an expert of sorts and represent what you have learned to your audience. Make sure to include your own commentary or opinion on what you have seen. This extra step will truly make it your own. 
  2. Comment Section. Find content worthy of curating in your own comments section. Take a particular article or post that created a lot of feedback and discussion. You can then turn this around and keep the conversation going. With a topic that sparked high levels of media activity the first time, you are bound to create even more with a second address. Don’t forget to link both of your articles to optimize even more. 
  3. Regular Commentary. Create a regular piece that reflects on something relevant in the day-to-day world around you. By compiling information pertaining to a current event and then adding much of your own style and opinion, you are talking to the readers on their level, while entertaining them. 
  4. Stories of Influencers. Get those within your field, and those you consider to be influencers, to contribute to your curated content. Ask them their opinions or have them describe a specific experience, then create from that material a curated post or article. This content practically will write itself. Plus, most readers enjoy a story of a first-hand experience.  
  5. Other People. Summarize what you saw at a conference or live event in the form of curated content. Buffer what you are sharing with your own commentary and even shout out to those who provided it originally. This creates a space for you to give access to specific material for your audience and provides an interesting muse for content creation.  
  6. Average-to-Unique. Find an everyday topic and twist it into a fascinating tale. Assume that not everyone will know everything and provide information on a topic that may have seemed mundane. Use images or GIFs to help tell your story. You can make anything entertaining with the right angle.  
  7. Images. Compile a set of images and tell a curated story through them. Through pictures, you can tell your own story while creating a medium bound to entertain your audience. Images are appealing and allow a lot of room for you to display information how you would like. 
  8. Audience Input.  Ask your audience to contribute answers to a certain inquiry, or to recommend relevant tips. This will quickly create curated content that is enormously relevant to your audience—it is coming directly from them! This is a great way to include your readers in the writing process and to save yourself some time with content development.

Learn more about Content Marketing.