Wallet-Friendly Fall Activities in New England

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Wallet-Friendly Fall Activities in New England

One of the best reasons to live in New England, aside from the amazing sports teams, universities, and culture, is experiencing fall here. Living in the
Boston area, we are lucky enough to have access to the ocean, farms, and mountains, and these places are even more beautiful when surrounded by the
fall foliage.

So what should you add to your list of activities?

  1. EAT

    Forget the beach bod and start preparing for the winter because we hear this year’s winter is going to be laughable…so bulk up this fall
    because we all know this is the time for consuming as many pumpkin spiced muffins, donuts, and coffee drinks as you can. I was surprised to learn
    recently that the pumpkin spiced latte wasn’t even a thing until the 2000s…what?

    Do your best to avoid getting your pumpkin spice fix at your usual brand name coffee shops and support local businesses. Let’s work together to
    support our local bakeries and farmers, and while you’re at the local farmers market consider expanding your horizon a little by trying some cider
    flavored treats. Boston boasts one of the country’s oldest farmers market: Haymarket! Click to learn more about Haymarket.


    The fresh fall air practically begs New Englanders to get outside and appreciate nature. We’re lucky enough to be able to drive an hour in any
    direction from the Boston area and experience nature’s beauty. So go outside and climb a mountain, do some yoga, or take a walk (and yes, you can
    bring your pumpkin spiced latte. Click to learn more about hikes in New England.


    If your summer romance is getting a little stale since the weather has turned, consider trying something new to spice it up! Go Apple Picking.
    There are many apple picking farms all over New England and it’s a great alternative to the typical dinner and a movie date. Click to learn more
    about apple picking.


    If you’re looking for a winter project and have always wanted to brew your own beer, consider exploring the process at a local brewery. We’ve
    all had a Sam Adams before but have you ever visited the brewery? It’s pretty exciting to see how beer is made and they offer free tours every
    day except Sundays. Harpoon is another great local brewery that offers daily tours for $5. Check out their sites for more details: www.samueladams.com & www.harpoonbrewery.com.


    You’ll want to spend fall being outside as much as you can ‘cause winter is just around the corner and you never know how much snow we’ll get
    this year.