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Word Count. Higher Numbers for Better Content.

Website content writers are not trapped by the more commonly understood use of the phrase “word count.” When it comes to the content of a website, the ideal word count is not a limit to avoid or goal to hit. Rather, word count for websites is much more about hitting the ideal. 

There is no concrete number of words that is the best for readability or for search engine optimization. For the most part, content word counts are based on opinions that could change depending on the website designer or website data analyst you are talking to.

However, one feature about word count seems to reign true—higher numbers are better. There is an ever-growing focus by Google on the content of a
website itself and the meaning behind it, rather than the specific words that show up or how many times they do so. In line with this, a higher word
count allows for deeper and more comprehensive content.

There is a definite preference within the Google algorithms for websites with longer content. The average word count for top-ranking websites reported
from 2015 was 1,140-1,285. This includes a significant increase from the 2014 rankings. As a website content developer, writers should not just aim
to get their word counts up. They should strive to use this increase in ideal word count to write better content that offers more information about
the business or product at hand.

The more thorough, in depth, and useful the content is, the more likely Google is to pick up on it for searches and the more trust a potential consumer
will put into it when browsing. This increase in expected word count is a bit of a blessing. There is a clear encouragement for less filler content
and more useful content. Taking advantage of having more space will greatly benefit your website rankings along with the users reading your content.

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