Glossary of Marketing Terms | Champ Digital

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Glossary of Marketing Terms

Are you new to the world of digital marketing? Check out our glossary to find the definitions of the most commonly used industry buzz words.


  • A/B Testing

    A method that compares two or more versions of content to determine which one performs better.

  • Above the Fold

    Above the fold is the top half of a webpage that a user can see without having to scroll down

  • Absolute Link

    In an absolute link, the entire url is displayed

  • Adsense

    Google AdSense is Google's advertising network

  • Adwords

    Google AdWords is Google's ad and link network

  • AJAX

    Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, AJAX creates a more user-friendly webpage

  • Algorithm

    The rules to how webpages are ranked by a search engine is known as an algorithm

  • Analytics

    Google Analytics measure your return on investment and tracks your flash and video

  • Anchor Text

    Anchor text is when words are used to represent an url for a user to click on

  • Automation

    The use of technology platforms to automate marketing campaigns like email or texts.


  • B2B (Business to Business)

    Business between two or more companies

  • Back Links

    Back links link from a website to another website

  • Bait and Switch

    In regards to SEO, bait and switch gives a search engine one version of a page while another page may be shown to those viewing it

  • Below the Fold

    Below the fold is the bottom half of a webpage that a user can see when they scroll down on the page

  • Blog

    Blogs are an online journal that is periodically updated

  • Bounce Rate

    The percentage of visitors to a website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. Bounce rate is also the percentage of emails that do not reach the intended recipient.


  • Cache

    Cache is the copy of a webpage that a search engine keeps stored

  • Clustering

    When a search engine groups together links in a search result to keep the page looking organized and easy to navigate, it is called clustering

  • CMS (Content Management System)

    Enables someone with little to no web management experience to be able to manage their business' website with relative ease

  • COA (Cost of Acquisition)

    The total cost of all the money spent to gain a new customer

  • Comments Tag

    Comments that are placed in the source code of a webpage

  • Conceptual Links

    Links that search engines attempt to understand past the words

  • Conversion Goal

    When the target goal is achieved by a visitor, it is known as the conversion goal

  • Conversion Rate

    Conversion rate measures the effectiveness of a conversion rate of visitors into buyers

  • Cookie

    Stores information about a user's visit to a website

  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

    A business strategy and technology platform that helps companies manage their interactions with customers.

  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

    Additional HTML code that enables more control over how a webpage looks to a user

  • CTA (Call to Action)

    An instruction to the audience to provoke an immediate response

  • CTR (Click through Rate)

    A metric that measures the percentage of email recipients who click on a link or call to action in an email.


  • Database-Driven

    When a webpage is connected to a database and takes some of its content from that database

  • Database-Generated

    Created in contrast to static HTML and is partially based off of a database in regards to content

  • Deep Crawl

    The way Google obtains information from your website is by deep crawling

  • Description Tag

    An HTML tag that gives a general description of a webpage

  • DMOZ

    Open Directory Project, the largest human-edited directory of websites

  • Doorway Page

    Sometimes called a bridge page, these pages are designed to rank high for a certain keyword and then will direct a user to the real webpage

  • Drupal

    Another type of CMS (content management system) that allows for easy website management in both creation and editing

  • Dynamic Website

    On this type of website, the content changes and is interactive with a user


  • E-commerce

    Electronic commerce, the trading of products or services via computer networks


  • Flash

    Flash technology enables a website to be animated and interactive

  • Forum

    A virtual community used for information exchange

  • Frames

    The frames tag allows two or more webpages to be displayed at one time

  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

    A way to transfer data between computers


  • Gated

    A strategy that restricts access to valuable online content until a user completes a specific action.

  • Geo-Targeting

    Advertising is based on geographic location



  • Inbound Links

    These links point from one website to another

  • Index

    The way search engines find a match to a user's search is through the index

  • Infographic

    A visual image like a chart or diagram used to represent information and/or data.

  • Internal Links

    Link from a site to another page within the same website

  • IP (Internet Protocol)

    Ensures that data sent between two different destinations is readable

  • IP Address

    The code that each webpage and user's browser has to identify itself

  • ISP (Internet Service Provider)

    The company that provides you with your internet access


  • Java Applets

    Programs that are in java language and embedded into webpages

  • Javascripts

    The scripting language that is widely used on the world wide web



  • Landing Page

    The page that a user lands on after clicking on a link

  • Lead

    A prospect, person or organization that has interacted with a brand and has the potential to become a customer.

  • Link Building

    Building a database of places you have your link listed on the internet

  • Linkbait

    Targeting specific users to click things on your site like advertisements or promotions

  • Long Tail Keyword

    A combination of 3-6 keywords that create a specific phrase


  • Meta Tag

    A tag placed in the head section of a webpage

  • Metrics

    Quantifiable values used to measure performance of campaigns or websites.


  • Navigation Bar

    The section on a website to help direct a spider through a website


  • Off Page SEO

    Items that influence a website's ranking but is not found on the website itself

  • On Page SEO

    Items that influence a website's ranking and are found on the website itself

  • Organic Search

    Results that appear after a search because of their relevancy and are not advertisements

  • Outbound Links

    A link from a site to another website


  • Pagerank

    An algorithm used by the Google search engine to measure the authority of a webpage

  • PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)

    Used to add interactivity to webpages

  • PPC (Pay Per Click)

    A pricing model for ads where a company only pays for the number of times a user clicks on their ad

  • Public Relations

    The way a company communicates with external audiences to spread information, maintain a positive image and influence people’s perceptions.


  • Query

    What a user types to search, usually a keyword or phrase


  • Reciprocal Link

    When a website lists their link on another website, with an agreement that the first website will reciprocate the advertisement on their site of the other website's link

  • Redirect

    When a user is directed from one page to another

  • Referral Rate

    A measurement by which to determine which channel (i.e. search engine, PPC, link) is most effective at driving traffic to your website

  • Relevance

    How useful a search engine's results page is to a user

  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)

    Metric that measures the revenue earned for every dollar spent on advertising

  • ROI (Return On Investment)

    How much return you see from every marketing dollar spent


  • Script

    Writing that performs a specific function on a webpage

  • Search Directory

    Similar to a search engine, a search directory only lists pages that are directly submitted to it

  • Search Engine

    A way to find information on the internet

  • SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

    Marketing a website within search engines

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

    Strategic actions that are done in order to improve a webpage's page ranking

  • SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

    The results found based upon the query you have entered

  • Server Logs

    Shows a website's traffic and sources

  • Short Tail

    A combination of 1-2 keywords that are broad search terms/keywords

  • Sitemap

    The breakdown of a website that maps out where pages are located within the website

  • Social proof

    The psychological phenomenon that people are influenced by other people in their decision making.

  • Spam

    Unsolicited advertising that is usually unethical and not aimed to a specific audience

  • Spider

    Run by a search engine, this software examines pages and all of its links to make the website entirely indexed

  • Static Website

    Unchanged content on a website that makes a website slightly dull and outdated


  • Target Audience

    The market where the advertiser is aiming to target

  • Title Tag

    Title writing seen in the blue bar at the top of a webpage which is the most important text to search engines

  • TLD (Top Level Domain)

    The domains that end in .com, .net, .gov, .edu and .org

  • Toolbar

    A toolbar is an optional browser add-on that typically is provided by a search engine

  • Tracking

    The ability to monitor audience response to an ad throughout the life of its campaign

  • Traffic

    The amount of visitors that visit a website



  • Visibility

    How easily your website is visible within search engine results